How do we license our software?
- When purchasing a software license from TimeValue Software (TVS), you are purchasing a license to use the software under specific terms and conditions. At TimeValue Software, we want licensed users to get the most from all our software. This means you have the flexibility to use the software on your business computer, your laptop, and even your home computer. The key word is you (the user).
- If you put a TVS product on multiple machines for other individuals to use, or if your colleagues would like the TVS product for their own use on their computer, we require that each user purchase a license of the program. Please refrain from distributing copies of this software. For the TVS online products, the concept is the same. Each user of the product is responsible to purchase a license of the program. Please refrain from distributing your login and password for the software.
- If you need additional licenses of TVS software for others or if you would like to put the program on your network to distribute to others, please call TimeValue Software Monday-Friday 7am-5pm Pacific Time toll free at 800-426-4741 (within USA) or at 949-727-1800, or email us at regarding multiple licensing arrangements.
- In summary, TimeValue Software licenses users, not the computer. Also, we do not offer concurrent licensing.
Click here to view the full TimeValue Software End User License Agreement (EULA).