Company Information
How can I download or reinstall the software to my computer without the original CD?
If you are using the current release of TimeValue Software products, you can download the software from the website. You will need to email or call TimeValue Software to obtain your installation password. If you are not using the current release, there may be an upgrade charge or you may need to re-instate your subscription for the annual maintenance service.
If you send an email to, please provide a contact name, company name (if applicable), phone number, and email address so we can verify your product registration. You can reach a TimeValue Software representative by calling 800-426-4741 (within USA) or 949-727-1800 Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm Pacific Time.
How can I pay my invoice?
You can pay online at; send payment to the TimeValue Software corporate office at 22 Mauchly, Irvine, CA 92618 USA; or call 800-426-4741 (within USA) or 949-727-1800 Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm Pacific Time.