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TValue Products

Can I transfer my TValue 5 files to TValue 6?

Yes. You can easily transfer your TValue 5 files to TValue 6 by following the steps in our Blog Transferring TValue 5 files to TValue 6.

Can I open TValue software version 4 files in TValue software version 5 or 6?

Yes you can. Go to My Computer on your old computer. Your TValue version 4 files should be in a folder called TV4WIN on the "C" drive. The client files will have a .tv4 extension. After you installed TValue 6 or TValue 5, you can go into the TV4WIN folder and copy these files and paste them into the "TValue 6" folder.

In TValue 6, the location of the TValue 6 files could be in Libraries > Documents > TValue 6 .Once you open an old file, you will be able to save it to open it and save it as a TValue 6 file and get all of the new features of TValue 6.

I am having a problem with TValue 4 such as printing problems or issues running with my current operating system. Do you provide support for TValue 4?

TimeValue Software no longer supports TValue version 4 as there are no fixes, patches, or replacement media available. TValue 4 was a 16-bit application and was last updated in 1997.

You can upgrade and order TValue 6 or TValue Online. Please call us Monday–Friday, 7am-5pm Pacific Time at 800-426-4741 (within USA), 949-727-1800, or order online at

How do I install the TValue 5 software Multi-user Edition?

You can go to the TimeValue Software website and click on the Support & Resources tab and then Downloads. There you can find the TValue 5 Software Network Installation Instructions in a PDF specifically for TValue 5.

Do you have a discounted price for existing customers that want to upgrade from TValue software version 4 to TValue software version 6?

TimeValue Software offers upgrade discounts for our existing customers that have a prior version of TValue software. Please contact our sales staff at 800-426-4741 and ask for the TValue software upgrade discount.

Is TValue software version 5 compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 10?

TValue software version 5.10 and subsequent releases are compatible with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10. If you have version 5.06 or a prior release of version 5, you can upgrade to the current version.

Can I open my TValue 5 schedules in TValue 6?

Yes, you can. You can open all of your TValue 5 and even TValue 4 schedules in TValue 6 and you also get all of the new capabilities of TValue 6. Once you open your TValue 5 file in TValue 6, you will want to save your file as a TValue 6 file. 

Does TValue 6 do the same calculations as TValue version 5?

Yes and more. TValue 6 does all the calculations that TValue 5 does and now it also does the 30/360 calculation.